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School of Computing, Science and Engineering

The School is based at the heart of the campus and at MediaCityUK. Working closely with industry partners on multidisciplinary projects, the School of Computing, Science & Engineering addresses current and future challenges. With our breadth of courses, award winning lecturers, research led teaching and commitment to producing highly employable graduates, the School is leading groundbreaking, stimulating postgraduate education and research studies.

Salford - the city and the university - has a history rich in science and engineering, synonymous with the origins of the Industrial Revolution. This heritage has helped the School develop into a modern and dynamic environment well placed to further the needs of society.

Leading edge facilities, accredited courses and international research
The School is equipped with an extensive range of leading edge facilities that support teaching and research.

Most of our degree courses are accredited by a professional body; this strengthens links with our industrial partners and ensures that your study is appropriate and relevant to the market place.

Research in the School spans the whole spectrum of the diverse subject areas covered by the school. In the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2008, more than 50% of our staff returned for assessment were rated internationally excellent or world leading. The School also has strong research and academic partnerships with industry such as the BBC, BT, CISCO, Airbus, RSSB, United Utilities and Marshalls, enabling effective knowledge transfer and up-to-date awareness of topical issues in relevant industries.

We are home to students from more than 60 different countries, with facilities and services that support international students from arrival to graduation. The school is engaged in many international partnerships across the world in teaching, enterprise and research.