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School of Psychology

Welcome to Psychology at Aberystwyth University

At Aberystwyth we can offer you excellent teaching by some of the best researchers in their field, in a location of outstanding beauty, with the close community relationship that exists between the Department’s staff and students.

We are a rapidly growing Psychology Department with 96% Student Satisfaction, Top 3 in the UK (NSS 2017).

Where you study is important, because the place determines the quality of life you enjoy, the opportunities open to you and the time available for academic study and personal development. Aberystwyth lies on the shores of Cardigan Bay on the west coast of Wales, set in beautiful natural surroundings, the locality offers a fine coastline with expanses of rolling moorland and wooded valleys immediately inland. 

What you study is also important and at Aberystwyth we are proud that all our courses are accredited by the British Psychological Society, a mark of quality widely acknowledged by employers in the professional field and which grants the opportunity for graduates of the Department to gain graduate and/or chartered membership of the society.  *Aberystwyth University's rankings are compared against the HE institutions listed in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018.