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School of Built Environment

Undergraduate Sean Keogh’s plan to fill the gaps in the bridges with open-plan maker spaces, earned him a nomination for Student Prize of 2018 by the prestigious Architect’s Journal.

He says the arches provide ready-made premises and their use will create new areas of social exchange.

Sean, 24 produced the idea for his final-year project on BSc Architecture and graduated the course in July.

Salford-based Sean described the nomination as an “exciting honour” and his project as “a tool for positive social change”. He said: “The project which I call The Underpass starts a conversation about a number of sensitive issues relating to architecture; conservation strategies, public space, and the role of the architect.”

Social engagement

Oren Lieberman, Professor of Architecture at the University of Salford, said: “Sean’s critical engagement with the brief and his commitment to architecture as a socially engaged practice which asks questions about what it means to be a ‘citizen’, produced a project that achieves far-reaching effects.”

The judges, include Graeme Nicholls, Roz Barr, Harriet Harriss and Salford graduate, the structural engineer Hanif Kara with the winner announced at a prize giving event in September in London.

  • Undergraduate
  • Postgraduate Taught