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Course Details

Course Name

BSc Physiological Science

Level of study


Study Mode



3 Years

Start Term



United Kingdom



Course Subject

  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Course Fees

Inside EU:  9250

Outside EU:  22300


University of Bristol


Physiology is the study of body function - how cell, tissue and organ function are integrated in the whole individual. Physiology is an experimental, scientific discipline of general educational value and is of fundamental importance in medicine and health-related sciences.

This degree builds on core units and progresses to the final year, when you will be studying at the forefront of current research in physiology. You can also take a variety of optional units.

Year one introduces the principles of cellular physiology and considers the functions of the major body systems and how drugs affect these systems. The second year covers neurophysiology, cellular physiology and integrative physiology. All units are enhanced by a full programme of practical classes which are supported by our innovative online dynamic lab manual, eBiolabs and human patient simulators.

Third-year seminar courses are taught by research-active staff at the cutting edge of current research. Topics include the cardiovascular system, brain and behaviour, and the future of molecular medicine. You will also complete a practical project chosen from a wide range of topics.

A fully integrated programme of activities, such as computer, verbal, written and presentation skills, will develop your transferable personal and professional skills.

This course is available for intercalation.

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