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Course Details

Course Name

MSc Transfusion and Transplantation Sciences

Level of study

Postgraduate Taught

Study Mode



1 Years

Start Term



United Kingdom



Course Subject

  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Course Fees

Inside EU:  10700

Outside EU:  20800


University of Bristol


This programme covers a fascinating range of subjects, including molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, tissue engineering, clinical medicine, laboratory management and statistics. 

It is accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science and is based at NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) in Filton, one of the largest transfusion centres in the world, enabling visits to manufacturing, testing and tissue typing sections. You will learn from specialist lecturers from the University, NHSBT and NHS hospitals, and have an opportunity to become fully embedded in an NHS environment while you develop your knowledge.

The programme will give you extensive practical experience of transfusion and transplantation, allowing you to gain skills that directly relate to your future career. As well as being of academic interest, this continually developing area of healthcare science has a major impact on patients' quality of life.

The programme:

is one of just two specialist full-time courses in transfusion and transplantation, and is a recommended course at level seven in the Career Framework for Health
gives you the opportunity to carry out your MSc project with NHSBT research staff within the transfusion centre
has high contact hours, with regular teaching and practical classes
includes a large skills component (eg writing in different formats, conference and publication skills, assignments with specific study aims)
includes laboratory management, a key skill required at level seven
attracts a diverse range of students (about 50 per cent of whom are from outside the UK), including new graduates, those working in blood centres or blood transfusion/haematology in hospitals, or training to lecture in transfusion
Visit the School of Biomedical Sciences web pages to find out more about this programme and watch a video featuring interviews with students.

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