Follow your passion..Dream a career.. !

Course Details

Course Name

BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Level of study


Study Mode



3 Years

Start Term



United Kingdom



Course Subject

  • Engineering & Technology

Course Fees

Inside EU:  9250

Outside EU:  16000


Manchester Metropolitan University


This programme provides the specialist knowledge and expertise required for a professional career in electrical and electronic engineering. Project-based learning in all years, including live industry-led projects, will help you develop the transferable skills and multi-disciplinary awareness so highly prized by industry.

Year 1 will establish the fundamentals of engineering science, applicable mathematics and practical and project skills in electrical and electronic engineering. In Year 2, you will further develop your scientific and analytical skills through study of electrical energy systems, control engineering, and electronic systems design. You will take on a specialist role in a group project and start detailed planning of your career. Specialist options and projects in the final year, all informed by the School of Engineering’s active research and industrial partnerships, will give you experience of the latest engineering challenges faced by industry and society.

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