Follow your passion..Dream a career.. !

Course Details

Course Name

BSc Software Engineering

Level of study


Study Mode



3 Years

Start Term



United Kingdom



Course Subject

  • Computer Science & IT

Course Fees

Inside EU:  9250

Outside EU:  16000


Manchester Metropolitan University


This course provides a broad education in all phases of software development, support and management with particular focus on the methodical approach to error-free design and the building of software. A large-scale team software project aims to develop your teamwork and communication skills and give you a sound understanding of the role of software development tools within the software life cycle.

You will study a curriculum designed in conjunction with industry to equip you with the range of skills and strengths that employers demand. 

Typical areas of study include programming, multimedia web design and internet development, information systems, databases, computer hardware and computing mathematics. We aim to develop your knowledge of information management and database development, advanced programming and website development. You will complete a software engineering team project in your final year. Our BSc (Hons) Computer Science, BSc (Hons) Software Engineering and BSc (Hons) Computing degrees share a common first year allowing you to transfer between courses after Year 1.

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