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Course Details

Course Name

BA International Politics and Strategic Studies

Level of study


Study Mode



3 Years

Start Term



United Kingdom


West Wales

Course Subject

  • Humanities

Course Fees

Inside EU:  9000

Outside EU:  13450


Aberystwyth University


Among the central concerns of International Politics are questions of war and peace. Why does war happen? How can wars be ended? Is it possible to avoid conflict altogether? Studying this degree provides important insights into these fundamental questions by considering the basic tool of war: the use of force. This degree examines the application of force and its impact on societies and people, from the advent of nuclear weapons to the post-9/11 Global War on Terror and the emergence of cyber warfare. The course is also about how wars might be prevented and how weapons might be controlled, including questions of disarmament and arms control. This degree at Aberystwyth University will allow you to explore the central questions of war and peace. 

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