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Course Details

Course Name

BSc Computer Science with Cyber Security

Level of study


Study Mode



3 Years

Start Term



United Kingdom



Course Subject

  • Engineering & Technology

Course Fees

Inside EU:  9250

Outside EU:  14400


University of Salford


Modern organisations hold large amounts of data – about their customers and about themselves. But they face many threats to the security of this information, and they have many legal obligations to take care of it. They don’t want to be featured in bad headlines in the newspapers after a  compromise.  They don’t want to end up in court for mishandling personal data, or end up bankrupt for losing control of their own critical information. They need help with this, and they need people who understand the problem from many perspectives. Salford’s course will give you more perspectives  than  most other courses.

You will learn programming, so you can understand how malicious software works. You will learn forensics so you can diagnose attacks and determine the extent of damage. You will learn networking so you can understand penetration testing and Internet-based threats. You will learn how cryptography  can  be used to address security concerns, and you’ll learn risk management to help you realise it is about managing threats rather than solving problems. You will learn about evidence preservation and to work within an ethical framework.

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