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Course Details

Course Name

BEng (Hons) Aircraft Maintenance (Top-up)

Level of study


Study Mode



1 Years

Start Term



United Kingdom


North Wales

Course Subject

  • Engineering & Technology

Course Fees

Inside EU:  9000

Outside EU:  11750


Wrexham Glyndwr University


This one-year top-up programme aims to produce graduates with a comprehensive knowledge of modern aircraft maintenance legislation, regulation and planning and an in-depth understanding of modern aircraft maintenance practice.

It provides skills for dealing with complex aircraft maintenance, design and structural analysis issues systematically and creatively, and being able to make sound engineering judgements. It emphasises the breadth and depth of learning, skills and attitudes for graduates to meet the future needs of a rapidly changing technology and business environment.

Graduates will be equipped with analytical, computational, design and transferable skills including an awareness of social and environmental implications.  On completion of this course they will be able to play leading professional roles in aircraft maintenance and related industries, to show initiative, take responsibility and make decisions in complex and unpredictable situations.

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