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Course Details

Course Name

BSc Ocean Science

Level of study


Study Mode



3 Years

Start Term



United Kingdom


North Wales

Course Subject

  • Environmental Studies & Earth Sciences

Course Fees

Inside EU:  9000

Outside EU:  143


Bangor University


Ocean Science encompasses the study of all aspects of the global marine environment, from estuaries and coasts to the deep ocean. It involves the application of specialist scientific disciplines (biology, chemistry, geology, mathematics, physics) to observe and to understand the diverse and often complex processes governing the Earth-Ocean-Atmosphere system.

This degree provides a rigorous multidisciplinary foundation together with more specialised training offered across a wide range of marine topics. The course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed to embark on a scientific career applied to the sea and places a strong emphasis on practical and field skills. The high degree of flexibility and choice allows students to develop their own particular strengths and interests and move on into a wide range of careers. Students are able to decide which area of Marine Science interests them most and choose modules accordingly with options in Biology, Chemistry, Geology and Physics.

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